Best DOVO Straight Razors of All Time

a straight razor image/best razor for coarse beard

Daily grooming is equally essential for those who love shaving and those who find it to be a chore. That is why it is necessary to have a shaving kit. For most men today, their shaving set contains modern shaving machines.

But for those who love fine things of life and enjoy taking a little time to grooThey are both affordable, durable and of the best it. And the results from its blades offer closer shaves and gives maximum control over the shaving process.

Why Choose Dovo Straight Razors?

If you have been around the shaving industry for a long while now, you must have heard of Dovo straight razors. They have a brand curving in the shaving industry for a long time and stand out particularly with their razors. Whether you want straight razors for everyday use or seek one for special occasions, then they’ve got you covered. But who is Dovo and why choose their straight razors over others?

Dovo is a company that has been producing shaving products since 1906. They are based in Solingen Germany and initially produced hair scissors as their primary product. They have since expanded their product varieties and serve a worldwide audience. Today, they offer straight razors and shavettes among other products.

A shavette looks different from a straight razor in the way they look and feel during use. They are also disposable. On most occasions, you cannot reuse them. These razors are particularly used by hair stylists for popular haircuts. The Dovo shavettes come in sundry of finishes and hues including aluminum, aluminum satin with a black handle, black handle blue satin, and steel handle options.

There are many reasons to choose Dovo for your straight razor purchases. One of the top reasons is their industry experience. They understand what you need and how you want it explaining why many shavers prefer their razors. How they construct and design their straight razors is paralleled to none. They have some of the top craftsmen who make the items useful for a lifetime.

Some of the common features the Dovo shaving razors have is the blade width which is either 5/8″ or 6/8″. This helps the user to avoid cutting themselves which makes them perfect for beginners. Their blades are also outstanding thanks to the high-quality materials Dovo use. They choose carbon steel or stainless steel that lasts long with proper maintenance. Their handles are also worth mentioning because they are made from durable materials like steel, ebony, olive wood, or horn. Depending on which handle material and embellishments they use, the prices can fluctuate significantly.

Now that you have an idea about the background and the work of Dovo, we now want to present you some of the best straight razors and a shavette from them. The products that make it to this list are game changers and will make your shaving experience extraordinary. They are both affordable, durable and of the best quality.

Dovo Stamina – Red Vein – 114.583 Evide Razor 5/8 inch Handle

 We love the Dovo Stamina because of its unique model. It works straight out of the package requiring no assembly or setup. Even though no straight razor is simple to use at first, this point-rounded option is ideal for beginners. We can attribute its ease of handling to the 5/8 inch handle and a small-sized blade. The grip is made of durable material and for aesthetic purposes bears red veins. The manufacturer has put a good effort in the blade construction making the best out of steel. It holds its edge longer and will require only a few strops and sharpening. You will have a life long shaving experience with this razor because of that.

This razor does not disappoint when it comes to comfort and beauty. Its performance also delights. These are reasons enough to invest in it. To confirm what we are saying, the manufacturer trusts it so much that he gives the buyers a one year warranty (which is often unheard of in the shaving industry). And unlike most razors, it comes in a porch that makes it easier to transport and secure storage. This packaging makes it also a perfect gift for that gentleman in your life.

Dovo of Solingen Bismarck 6/8 Cut-Throat Straight Razor Ebony Version

When it comes to aesthetics, the Dovo of Solingen Bismarck can’t be beaten. It comes with golden embellishments on the blade which contributes to its appealing design. It is not just the attractive looks you are buying. This straight razor is also a top performer and comes ready to use. The blade is made of carbon steel and is a fully hollow option. It is therefore flexible and durable at the same time. And for the right maintenance, ensure it is clean and dry after every shave to avoid corrosion and rusting.

It also comes in an ebony wood handle that is black. The sculpting of this handle enables the user to hold firmly to the razor during use thus, avoiding nicks and cuts. If you are new to conventional shaving, you can buy this straight razor because it is easy to handle. It is 6/8 inches long. Even with a lot to say about this razor, it feels light in the hand and offers perfect grips. What appeals most about this product is its easier learning curve and maintenance.

So, if you are looking for agility, cutthroat sharpness, durability, and constant performance during your shaving process, there is no better razor to choose. The producer has packed all these qualities in it for you.

Dovo Straight Razor in Black Cellidor

This Dovo straight razor is a great choice for men starting out in the traditional shaving. It comes shave-ready and its sharpness does not disappoint. It does not just perform well on its first shave but is consistent if you maintain it well. Carbon steel is responsible for the high-standard blade quality. The material used is elastic but sturdy as well. The blade is well honed for its work. Even when it loses its sharpness, you’ll still find it easy to sharpen. However, the carbon steel material needs great maintenance to ensure it performs as intended. Ensure you thoroughly dry it after cleaning to avoid easy staining.

Its handle is made of black plastic which offers a fairly firm grip during use. It is a full hollow ground straight razor and so, is more flexible plus is simpler to open. This design has a rounded point which makes its handling easier for first-timers. With the proper approach, you cannot get nicks and cuts. With a little training and patience, you’ll be impressed how well the Dovo straight razor in black Cellidor is easy to use. It is a great replacement instead of buying regular razor blades.

Most people can afford this product (It has the most cost-effective price for straight razors in our list). So if you fear to spend on premium quality straight razors, go for it. The best part is that even at its low cost, you still get high-end service.

Dovo Shavette Rustproof Polished Ebony

Dovo also does great work when it comes to producing shavettes, and this product is a perfect example of their abilities. It is made out of stainless steel making it a great choice if you are looking for a sturdy shaver. This shaving item comes ready to use requiring no sharpening or stropping on its initial use. Many professional barbers and hairstylists go for it when they want to provide signature haircuts. Understanding the fact that traditional shavers love quality stuff, the manufacturer ensures using this design makes shaving a breeze. Most of the shavette is made of metal apart from the handle which comes in ebony wood. The blade is rust proof.

The lightweight ebony handle offers a comfortable fit in the hands for total control everywhere as you use it on your face. The thin blade on this Dovo product can be a great place for beginners to train how to shave hard-to-reach and delicate facial areas like under the nose.  This shavette is well designed to make it easy to carry and move around. That is why most of its buyers are travelers. And the general look is brilliant as well. This shavette from Dovo is the most cost-effective alternative in our list, but remember it is a shavette and you will replace it when it has served its purpose.

Get the Perfect Straight Razor for Your Shaving Regime

Good straight razors cost £50 or more. If you choose to go for premium quality, you can part with thousands of money. These shaving devices come at comparably high prices because of the material used to make them, plus the outstanding craftsmanship behind the design and precision. However, not every straight razor is the same. There are considerations to help you get what you need.

The blade temper usually comes in three forms; hard, medium, or soft. These three qualities determine how easy it is to sharpen and how long the edge will remain sharp. The one that can retain the sharpness longer has a hard temper while soft tempers are easy to sharpen.

Also, check the indentations on the blade called the grind. The full hollow blades will be lighter and sharper but risky to use, while the less hollow ones will be a little heavier. Budding traditional shavers can use the second alternative better.

Pick a wider blade if you want a razor that can hold more lather. But take note that it is harder to use. A thinner blade is easier to use particularly if you intend to reach touch points like behind the ear or under the nose. Another concept to consider is square versus round blade points. The square alternative is precise during use, while the round one is simpler to manage.

The handle needs to be light and comfortable in your hands. One with scales can offer a firmer grip.

Stainless steel-made straight razors are more expensive compared to carbon steel blades because they provide longer service between shaves and perform better.

Besides the construction material, you’ll have to choose between vintage and modern straight razors. The novice shaver should choose modern products because they are designed and optimised for current use, which makes them a good choice for learning. But the industry connoisseurs can enjoy the allure of vintage straight razors. However, be sure to up your maintenance because they demand more.

In recent times, the straight razor sales have been on the rise. The comeback of this important shaving equipment is happening owing to several benefits it has to offer.

  • They are durable. If you maintain straight razors, they last ages. You can also collect them for fun if you wish
  • You only replace a straight razor when its blade is severely damaged, it has caught rust, or the metal has corroded. If this doesn’t happen, you’ll enjoy resharpening it over and over whenever the need arises
  • Compared to a safety razor, the straight razor doesn’t need to use many passes during a shave because the blade covers more surface
  • The technology and designs of modern straight razors make using them easier and safer than before
  • You achieve a rewarding closer and cleaner shave with straight razors
  • Purchasing a straight razor is initially expensive. But if we count the value of its service over time, it saves you a lot of money. It can last for a lifetime if you do the maintenance work right
  • You save the environment by using a straight razor. If you are environmentally conscious, then play the part of conserving it by using straight razors. They don’t have cartridges to throw after every shave, and the shaving scum you produce is biodegradable
  • Helps you slow down and become more patient. No one wants to hurt themselves during the grooming process. Therefore, the straight razors teach you patience and help you become methodological in your shaving approach (which we all need)

Straight razors have their own share of cons as well.

  • Straight razors are not an option if you are always on the run and busy. They need practice and patience. Novice shavers will have to put up with nicks and cuts along the learning curve before you master using it
  • When the blade is destroyed, you’ll have to replace it or buy another razor altogether. Purchasing a new straight razor is a costly venture, and can set you back financially
  • Straight razors are not safe to be near children or pets. Ensure everyone is safe by storing yours in a safe place far from high traffic areas in your home

Holding Tips for Straight Razor Beginners

Whether you’ve been in the shaving industry for many years or just got the interest in recent times, using a straight razor requires effort and patience to use it seamlessly. And part of the lessons to learn is how to hold the razor. There is no one particular way to hold a straight razor. Different grooming stylists will give you varied answers on this subject.

Ideally, you should use the thumb on the middle side, the pinky in the middle as the rest of the fingers rest on the back of the blade. This grip will vary according to your style, and the place (on your face) you are shaving. Some facial areas are hard to contour requiring a form of creativity as you proceed to learn. By the end of the day, you want a style that works for you. Therefore, if you find one that looks unorthodox but brings out the results you desire, go ahead and use it by all means.


What Other Tools am I Going to Need?

After you buy a great straight razor with a high-quality blade that you find easy to maintain, you’ll need other items to complete your shaving kit. The top three on the list should be as follows.

  • Choose among the hanging strops, paddle stops, or a loom for straightening and polishing your blades
  • Don’t forget to buy soap or shaving cream that is compatible with your skin
  • For warm and rich lathering, find a high-quality shave brush


It is time-consuming to find the perfect straight razor for your shaving routine. If you are considering to join the traditional shaving industry, it can be confusing or even overwhelming to pick the right razor. There are many brands out there claiming to offer you the closest and smooth shave you desire. While some stand by their word, others cannot compare to Dovo products.

That is why we have taken time to review these Dovo shaving products (a top straight razor producer). We’ve considered your budget and you’ll definitely get the ideal shaving razor as you scroll through the available options. The razor might seem expensive at first, but once you invest in one, you’ll enjoy its benefits for a lifetime.

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