6 Top Beard Styles for Round Faces

Beard Style for Round Faces

Have you ever thought about what kinds of facial hair would look best on your face type? Certain beard styles work best for specific face shape types. Now, you can use any beard style you want. We are big believers in everybody rocking the style that suits them best, but there are some facial hair styles that are known to be more aesthetically appealing on certain face types.

Faces can be shaped like a diamond, oval, heart, pear, round, oblong or square. We want to talk about one of the more common face shape types- the round face- and some good beard styles for round faces.

The right kind of beard can give you a strong look and make you more appealing to the opposite sex. If you want a classically handsome look, then choosing the right beard style is important. We’ll give you a few options to consider, but ultimately you have to pick what is right for your face and your specific needs. Not everyone will feel comfortable with one of these styles, but we hope this list is helpful to you in finding a suitable beard style for your face.

1. Chin Strap

This rounded beard complements a rounded face, hugging the underside of your chin and not much else. There’s no moustache to trim with this style, so it’s less maintenance than a full beard. It’s also really easy to trim with a razor and relatively easy to keep clean and neat looking. You may need to use scissors or a beard trimmer to shorten the hair to the desired length.

Because most people keep the chin strap short, there isn’t much styling that needs to be done. If you do want to style this type of beard, you can use a little bit of sculpting beard balm. To keep your beard manageable and malleable, use beard oil after you wash your face. You only need a small amount for this style, so don’t overdo it.

2. Goatee

With a classic goatee, you also have no moustache to bother with and can shave the upper lip clean. However, you can pair a goatee with a moustache, if that’s a style that is to your liking.

The goatee is one of the top beard styles for round faces, as it provides a focal point on the face. The rounded face shape often benefits form some sort of area to focus on, and the goatee gives it that. With some of the other common face shapes, a goatee might be lost in the shape and design of the face, but with a rounded face, it really stands out.

That means you need to be extra careful about how you trim your facial hair with this style, as many mistakes will be more noticeable. Even if you are letting the goatee grow long, be sure to carefully define the edges of the hair growth, and then brush out and soften the lengthy goatee hair to make it look neat.

The goatee hasn’t been fully accepted into all places of business, so you have to be careful about how you maintain yours. Keep it as neat and well trimmed as possible, grooming daily to keep it free of dead hairs and skin cells. Brush it all in the same direction and use beard oil or conditioner to keep the hair soft and manageable.

Goatees when allowed to grow very long can be tough to wrangle. If you have wiry hair, it will have a tendency to go in all directions, so keep it under control by regularly grooming it. The more you brush and comb that hair, the easier they will be to manipulate and keep looking tidy.

3. Boxed Beard

This is one of the top beard and hair styles for round faces men will use because of its square-ish look and how that contrasts with the round face. The boxed beard can really stand out, and it gives you a slightly lengthier facial hair than the other styles we have mentioned so far. The boxed beard is a little tougher to maintain and groom because you are dealing with a lot of facial hair, but as far as full beard styles for round faces, it is a superb option and a popular one.

To define this look, you will need to shave the cheeks and the neck and then trim the beard hairs to the desired look. The longer you allow your boxed beard to grow, the more grooming you will have to do. Small, loose hairs can end up trapped in your beard, and you will need to comb it regularly to remove those and keep it clean.

A beard shaper or trimmer will give you clean lines, and some sculpting beard wax will help give your beard a more defined shape that holds in place throughout the day.

4. Handlebar Moustache and Beard

Remember what we said about providing a focal point on your face and how important that is for a rounded face? Your features can get lost in the shape of the rounded face, and nothing about your look will stand out, but a handlebar moustache pulls the focus to your mouth. This is a distinctive, distinguished look, and one that will definitely draw some attention to you.

It can be a bit tough to maintain the handlebar moustache look, as you will need to regularly groom the moustache to keep it looking defined and neat. It also takes a lot of work to get it to the stage where it can be properly identified as a handlebar moustache. You will need to comb the hair in a certain way, out from the middle of the mouth. You also need to tweak the edges into the proper shape, and that takes about three months to get it to a decent growth to where it can be called a handlebar moustache.

When paired with sort beard, this is one of the best beard styles for round faces. It pulls the lines of the face out and keeps them from feeling smushed together. It also creates a contrasting line across the middle of the face that helps to break up the circular shape. For a lot of guys, a round face can make them look somewhat bland, and you have to find creative ways to make your look stand out and be unique. This hair style is a good way to do that.

5. Pointed Beard

Good beard trim styles for round faces include the pointed beard family of facial hair. This pulls down the whole face into a longer look, eliminating the roundedness of the face in an ingenious way. If you are not happy with how round your face looks, then this is an excellent way to handle that, and it is a distinguished style that can look quite magnificent when it is well groomed and maintained.

This is a slightly longer beard than the others we have mentioned so far, and it is up to you how long you want it to get. Just don’t let it get out of control. Long beards are tough to keep looking neat all the time. You will need to trim yours regularly to take care of these errant hairs that want to grow in different directions. Proper, regular grooming is great at keeping all the hairs in line as well. With regular brushing and combing, as well as the application of beard oil, your pointed beard can look very tidy and refined.

6. Stubble

The easiest beard styles for guys with round faces to maintain is the stubble look. This isn’t as business professional as some of the other styles we have looked at, but it is a great look for a rounded face and an appropriate one for the work-at-home lifestyle a lot of people are doing these days. To maintain the stubble look, just trim your hair regularly with an electric razor. If it grows too long, it will start to look like a full beard.

One thing to keep in mind with the stubble look is that it is perfectly fine to trim it and shave the sides. It can still be stubble when you define the outer edge, and you may want to completely shave off the stubble on the neck and even on your cheeks. This keeps the beard looking under control and shows that you are maintaining the stubble deliberately and that it’s not just the result of haphazard, careless shaving.

These are the top beard styles for round faces, though there are plenty more to pick from as well, if none of these tickle your fancy. We want you to consider the shape of your face, though, and how that affects your look. Then bear in mind how the beard style you choose works as a complement to your face when styled and groomed well. You can create a defining look that is aesthetically pleasing if you plan your facial hair carefully based on your particular face shape.

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