How to Fix a Patchy Beard

How to Fix Patchy Beard

The beard is not just a sign of manliness, but it is also a deliberate style choice made by millions of men every year. To keep or not keep the beard and to grow or to grow a beard are the questions that plague many men every month. When they go to trim their beard or shave off their stubble, they might be pondering weather they should let the beard grow out or do a clean shave.

What keeps a lot of men from growing the beard they want is patchiness in their bearded look. Some men try to grow a beard for the first time and what results is not what they were expecting. Their beard has holes in it and doesn’t look complete and they aren’t sure what to do with it.

Do they just hope that those holes will be filled in over time? Is there something they could be doing to fix the patchiness? Is it impossible for some men to grow a full beard?

We’re going to show you how to fix patchy beard issues and get that full, lustrous, magnificent beard you’re wanting. Don’t give up on your beard. Just learn how to fix this common problem.

Let It Grow

Sometimes, men will stop short of letting their beard grow to its fullest coverage. They may not want the beard to get longer than it already is, and that’s fine. You can trim it and still see beard coverage growth. Just don’t shave where the beard is patchy and has not come in yet. You may also want to let the beard grow longer in areas around the patchy spots. Let some of that excess hair cover up the patchy areas. If you groom you and style your beard properly, you can make those patchy areas a lot less obvious until they start to grow in properly. Just give your beard some time. In many cases, it will grow fully in.

Reduce Stress

Did you know that one of the best patchy beard how to fix solutions is to get rid of as much stress in your life as possible. If you are stressed out and worried all the time, then that will affect hair growth. Stress can make you grow bald and cause your hairline to recede. It can also affect how full your beard grows in, making for a patchy-looking face that isn’t very appealing.

What kind of stress reduction techniques can you use? You should eliminate drinking alcohol and smoking as much as possible. Drug use of any kind cause stress that can hurt your beard growth (among other things).

You can also try relaxation techniques, like meditation or using a stress ball. Try listening to music that calms you down instead of stressful, energetic music. Take time to sleep properly as well, as that is one of the biggest ways to combat stress in your life. You may also want to cut down any caffeine consumption, which includes soda and tea. It’s not just coffee that is packed full of caffeine, and that caffeine can cause hair-thinning stress.

Use Hair Growth Medications

How to fix a patchy, thin beard fast? The quickest way will definitely be with medication. The same medications that are used to grow hair on the top of your head and treat baldness can be used to treat patchy beards.

You can apply minoxidil to treat your hair growth issues. It’s the fastest method of spurring hair growth, so it’s the closest thing you will find to a magic cure for a lack of hair. Just bear in mind that there may be side effects to consider and consult with your doctor before taking any medication, especially if you have other medical problems that you are being treated for.

The good news about this product in particular is that it will provide permanent hair growth results. Once you get the hair growing in and your beard starts to look full, you don’t have to keep using minoxidil. You should see permanent change in the way your beard grows in. The other good thing about it is that it is available over the counter, so no prescription is required.

Minoxidil is a generic name for the drug, and you may know it better by another name- like Rogaine. It’s all the same stuff. There isn’t any need to pay extra for the name brand product when it all offers the same results.

Use Essential Oils

You may have a friend or family member who swears by essential oils as a cure for everything, but they actually do work to help your beard grow in. How to fix a patchy beard with essential oils? Just rub some peppermint oil and jojoba oil through your beard to stimulate hair growth.

You may be wondering how that works, and you should know that these essential oils will activate the IGF-1 growth hormones responsible for hair growth. So, they are working with your body’s natural processes and just getting them to do their job slightly better. This won’t be as effective or as fast working as a medication, but it does the job pretty well.

Just be warned that you should not rub 100% pure peppermint oil on your skin or beard. That is powerful oil, and it can cause irritation. It needs to be diluted with some jojoba oil to make things easy on your skin. Not everyone can handle powerful essential oils on their skin, especially on their face, but this may be a good natural solution if you are opposed to using minoxidil but want similar results.

Stimulate Growth through Micro-Needling

If your beard is growing in patchy and you are wondering how to fix a patchy beard, then you may want to address the potential issue of poor circulation and nutrient delivery. Your skin cells and hair follicles might not be getting the nutrients that they need. There could be parts of your face that are simply not as well nourished as other parts, and micro-needling could be the solution.

You can use a derma roller to work the areas of the face that are a bit patchy. This makes very small holes in the face and should stimulate hair follicle growth there because of how it triggers the skin cells. What this activity does in theory is to make your skin feel like it is in danger. So, nutrients and blood are sent to the area of the face where they might not have been travelling as much before. This can stimulate air growth, as there is suddenly an influx of nutrients. So, your skin and your hair then have what they need to make sure your hair grows properly in those areas.

This doesn’t always work, but it can be quite effective, especially if you do it regularly every morning as part of your personal hygiene routine. It may sound painful to you to make small incisions on your skin, but it’s not as dramatic and painful as all that. This feels more like a tickle than anything else and the pain, if there is any, is slight. It’s worth it for the added beard growth and the way your hair looks after a few weeks of stimulation.

How to Fix Patchy Beard Cut

What if you accidentally cut yourself while shaving and shave off more of the beard than you had wanted to? Now you have a hole in your beard and may not be sure what to do with it. You have a few options that involve something other than just waiting for the beard to grow back in.

The first one we would recommend is shaving the rest of the beard to fit the hole. So, if you shaved too far into the beard growth on the cheek, you can shave around that spot to make it look more natural and then shave on the other side of the face in the same place. Evening it out can help cover it up until the beard is ready to grow in fully once more.

Your options will depend on how serious the cut is and how obvious it looks. You might be able to just groom your other beard hairs over the patchy part to cover it up. This works better if you have a long beard.

You can also try dying your beard a darker colour, if it is light. Darker beards cover patchy areas batter than lighter beards. Your patchy areas won’t be as noticeable if you have a dark beard, so consider this if you are desperate for an immediate fix.

You could also use hair growth treatments like hat we have listed above. Using a topical medication won’t grow your hair back in by the end of the day, but it is faster than waiting for hair to grow in on its own. If you aren’t too embarrassed about how your face looks, you can leave the patchiness and stimulate hair growth through medication or micro-needling methods. It won’t be too long before your beard grows back in full and stylish.

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